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[02-26 04:38:05]   来源:http://www.99youjiao.com  小升初六年级英语同步   阅读:8194

概要:1. My home is near. 我的家很近。2. What about you?你呢?3. Look at the traffic lights.看交通灯。4. Remember the traffic rules.记住交通规则。5. Stop at a red light.红灯停。6. Wait at a yellow light.黄灯等。7. Go at a green light. 绿灯行。8. Can I go on foot? Sure, if you like. It’s not far. 我能步行去嘛?当然,如果你喜欢。它不远。9. Where is the …? It’s near the …10. Excuse me, is there a … near here? Yes, there is.打扰一下,在这附近有没有一家…?是的,有。11. Is it far from here? No, it’s not far.它离这儿远吗? 不,它不远。12


  1. My home is near. 我的家很近。

  2. What about you?你呢?

  3. Look at the traffic lights.看交通灯。

  4. Remember the traffic rules.记住交通规则。

  5. Stop at a red light.红灯停。

  6. Wait at a yellow light.黄灯等。

  7. Go at a green light. 绿灯行。

  8. Can I go on foot? Sure, if you like. It’s not far. 我能步行去嘛?当然,如果你喜欢。它不远。

  9. Where is the …? It’s near the …

  10. Excuse me, is there a … near here? Yes, there is.打扰一下,在这附近有没有一家…?是的,有。

  11. Is it far from here? No, it’s not far.它离这儿远吗? 不,它不远。

  12. –Thank you. –You’re welcome.谢谢,不客气。

  13. Where is the …? …在哪里?

  It’s east/west/south/north of the …它在…的东边,西边,南边,北边。

  14. When are you going? I am going at 3 o’clock.你打算什么时候去?我打算3点钟去。

  15. Can he go with us? Sure.他能和我们一起去嘛?当然。

  16. Let’s go together.让我们一起去吧。

  17. There is a stamp show on Sunday.在星期天,有一个邮票展。

  18. She is a teacher. She teaches math.她是一位老师,她教数学。

  19. Does your pen pal live in Shanghai?你的笔友住在上海吗?

  No, he doesn’t. He lives in Beijing. 不,他不住上海。他住在北京。

  20. Where does she work? She works in a car company.她在哪里上班?她在一家汽车公司上班。

  21. How does she go to work? She goes to work by bus.她怎样去上班呢?她坐公交车去上班。

  22. Where does the … come from? It comes from the … …来自于哪里?它来自于…

  23. How can the water become vapour?水如何能变成蒸汽呢?

  The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.在太阳的照射下,水就变成了蒸汽。

  24. How do you do that?你怎样做那件事呢?

  First, put the seeds in the soil.首先,把种子放进土壤里。

  25. It’s easy.它很简单。

  26. What should you do then?接下来你应该做什么呢?

  Water them. In several days, you can see a sprout.给它们浇水,几天后,你就能看见一株幼苗。

  27. First, …Then, …Next, …At last, …首先,然后,接下来,最后,

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