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We‘re making a cake预习

[02-06 04:26:14]   来源:http://www.99youjiao.com  三年级英语课程同步   阅读:8771

概要:【教材分析】语言功能:描述正在做的事情。语言结构:What are you doing? Good idea!We are making a cake. Please be quite.【学习目标】主要词汇: reading playing working making a cakeidea instead句型结构: What are you doing? We’re/I’m making …What’s he/she doing? She’s/He’s doing…a.语言知识目标:Ask and answer questions about activitiesb.语言技能目标:Understand and respond to others’activities.c.情感态度目标:Train the students’ interest in learning English and let them to communicate with each

We‘re making a cake预习,标签:小学英语学习方法,英语学习资料,http://www.99youjiao.com



  语言结构:What are you doing? Good idea!

  We are making a cake. Please be quite.


  主要词汇: reading  playing  working  making a cake idea  instead

  句型结构: What are you doing? We’re/I’m making … What’s he/she doing? She’s/He’s doing…

  a.语言知识目标:Ask and answer questions about activities

  b.语言技能目标:Understand and respond to others’activities.

  c.情感态度目标:Train the students’ interest in learning English and let them to communicate with each other.


  重点:掌握What are you doing? We’re making a cake.

  难点:理解并灵活运用“What are you doing? We’re doing…”,


  Ⅰ、Warm up

  a.greeting:Hello!Boys and girls!

  b.Sing a song: I’m listening to music. I’m talking to you.

  c.Look and say: The teacher does some actions(like singing/dancing/writing/…)the students respond quickly

  d.say and do : the teacher say the words(reading/drawing/watching TV/…),the students do the actions


  a.T:When your birthday comes,what do you want?

  T:Today,Sam and Amy want to make a cake for Mum and Dad,but they have difficult in getting parents’permission.Why? Let’s listen to the tape.Pay attention to Sam and Amy’s parents’actions.


  a.学习reading, working,请说说这两个词有没有共同点,注意这两个词后面都有ing,在动词后加上ing表示这个动作正在进行。



  d. 读句子,What are you doing? We’re making a cake. Please be quite!I’m working 

  e.通过听、说、读这样逐层深入,了解并掌握本课知识,巩固“We’re making a cake”这种表达方法。

  f.read the text

  Ⅳ、Home work

  1、Listen read after it for 5 minutes.

  2、Write five sentences according to AB P7 Exe 3.


Tag:三年级英语课程同步小学英语学习方法,英语学习资料小学英语教学 - 三年级英语 - 三年级英语课程同步

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