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中班英语:Interesting shapes

[10-19 20:10:21]   来源:http://www.99youjiao.com  幼儿园中班其他教案   阅读:8193

概要:双语活动:Interesting shapes活动目标:1,复习巩固各种图形,乐意用图形大胆想象组合马路边的各种事物,感受图形组合的美感。2,感受并用英语表达各种不同的图形并大胆介绍自己的作品。活动准备:黑板、摸袋、图形若干、范例画、魔法棒、卡纸底板、固体胶若干、幼儿能用英文说出图形的名称(square\triangle\rectangle\semicircle\circle) .活动流程:一、摸摸猜猜图形围裙游戏T: I have a apron, there're many shapes in it. What is it?C: Maybe it's a square.T: There're many different shapes. There is a big square, a small circle and a green triangle.二、找找拼拼图形1、图形找一找T: This is road. What do you see? What are the shapes?2、图形拼一拼T: You're so c

中班英语:Interesting shapes,标签:幼儿园中班教案,幼儿园中班优秀教案,http://www.99youjiao.com

  双语活动:Interesting shapes




  活动准备:黑板、摸袋、图形若干、范例画、魔法棒、卡纸底板、固体胶若干、幼儿能用英文说出图形的名称(square\triangle\rectangle\semicircle\circle) .




  T: I have a apron, there're many shapes in it. What is it?

  C: Maybe it's a square.

  T: There're many different shapes. There is a big square, a small circle and a green triangle.



  T: This is road. What do you see? What are the shapes?


  T: You're so clever. Cici also find some shapes, but my shapes can change, change, change into what?

  T: This is my picture made of many shapes. What do you see ?  C: I see…

  幼儿用图形拼画,教师巡回指导T: What is it? What are the shapes?


  T: Who want to introduce your picture?

  C: This is my picture, I like the tree. Triangles make the tree.

  T: So many beautiful pictures with so many shapes. I like them very much. Because your pictures are made of many shapes and many  colors.


  T: How many triangles\squares\rectangles on your picture? Let's count them next time ,OK ?

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